After months of perceived inactivity (though my mind was busy analyzing the world around me ;)) aka no blogs i finally decided to break my silence. The last few months have been marred by stories of rampant corruption be it the CWG fiasco or the dubious land deals or stories of sporting success. As a citizen of this country my mind has wavered from the depths of despair to the joy's of India's sporting victories..but when i look back at the year that is almost over what strikes me is how the nation's mood has changed from the postive energy of an re-elected government to negativity stemming from the incidents that cast a doubt again on the quality of governance in India.
And its not just the Central Government or the State Governments but right down to the smallest units of governance be it schools, panchayats or colleges that stem from lack of quality governance. We see a common thread lack of discipline and governance continues to hurt India. We may hide behind self-congratulatory statistics like the 2nd fastest growing economy and the tag of 'Growth Markets' but the fact remains that the growth story would be more sustainable and noteworthy with better governance. Yet as a nation we keep hiding our problems under the in point the mess during the CWG was clearly hidden to ensure a trouble free games though the people of Delhi were to face the brunt once the games were over..hence the question of India has arrived is largely theoritical as we have a lot of mess to clear up before we can claim our arrival on the world stage..the mess that i refer to is multi-dimensional - education, health, quality of governance, power of judiciary and executive, state of environment to highlight the key points.
Our media (electronic and print) need to highlight the true picture of India to the common man and not sensationalize issues for TRP ratings..while there were numerous reports on CWG financial scandals and the Mumbai Oil Spill.little is being spoken about these issues now. There must be a consistency on part of media while reporting on issues. While the Obama visit got significant coverage (almost like Reality TV) a lot of issues did not find mention. For instance when we talk of promises made by the endless government schemes but little is spoken about the effectivess of these schemes on rural employment and electrification.
We continue the to be a country of misplaced priorities. It is time for the rising tiger to wake from its slumber and shake off the cobwebs of sleep and deprivation. Let's make it happen. Its now or never.